Source code for django_thumbor.templatetags.thumbor_tags

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django import template
from django_thumbor import generate_url

register = template.Library()

    # Python 2
    STRING_TYPES = (basestring,)
    # Python 3
    STRING_TYPES = (str,)

def _parse_filters(filters):
    # Forces an empty filter to the end of the list
    filters += ':'
    # Splits and restores filter closing parenthesis
    filters = [f + ')' for f in filters.split('):')]
    # Ignores the empty filter at the end
    return filters[:-1]

[docs]def thumbor_url(image_url, **kwargs): filters = kwargs.get('filters') if filters and isinstance(filters, STRING_TYPES): kwargs['filters'] = _parse_filters(filters) return generate_url(image_url=image_url, **kwargs)
@register.assignment_tag() def assign_thumbor_url(image_url, **kwargs): """ Allows assigning the generated url to a template variable. {% assign_thumbor_url image_url="/test/pic.jpg" width=300 as thumbnail %} """ return thumbor_url(image_url=image_url, **kwargs)